Miss Southern Mississippi
Sunday, April 8th, 2018
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Gulf Coast
Forest Heights Unit
201 Holly Circle
Gulfport, MS 39501
Pageant Details
Ages 0-11
This is a natural pageant, no fake anything, no excessive makeup or pageant dresses or tuxedos. The attire is Sunday Best. This should be a dress or suit your child would wear to church. No experience needed. Judges will score facial beauty, personality, and overall impression. No routines allowed, just simple modeling with no required format. We want to see your child shine, show their personality and a big smile!
Ages 12 and Up
This is a Formal pageant, formal gowns are required. No experience needed. One time on stage, no interview. Basic modeling and a beautiful smile are all that is needed.
Age Divisions
0-23 Months
Crowning Age Categories
Girls 0-5 & Boys 0-5
Girls 6-11 and Boys 6-11
Ladies 12 & Up
Ultimate Supreme 0-11- (One) Girl or boy ages 0-11 with the highest overall score will be awarded Ultimate Supreme.
Ultimate Supreme Ladies 12 & Up- (One) contestant ages 12 & up with the highest overall score will be awarded Ultimate Supreme.
Division Queen-(Ten) Second highest in division after supreme(s) have been pulled
Division Kings-(Two)
Hospitality Queen/King (Two) (This is Directors choice and is based on stage performance sportsmanship and the desire to advance to Magnolia State).
Each crowning age category will have overall awards:
Overall Best Fashion
Overall Most Beautiful
Each division will have (Five) side awards:
Best Fashion
Prettiest Eyes
Prettiest Smile
Best Hair
Most Photogenic(photogenic pictures need to be no smaller than 5x7 but no larger than 8x10 unframed NATURAL pictures. NO GLITZ
More divisions, breakdowns and supreme awards will be added if numbers are large. Some divisions may be combined if small.
This is an all crowning pageant. All contestants will receive a crown.
The entry fee is $55 all inclusive-Entry fee covers all side awards.
The minimum amount to secure your registration is $25. The $25 deposit must be paid at the time of registration to reserve your child's spot. Balance must be paid by March 25th.
Please contact the director for sibling discount.
General Admission
Admission is $10 for adults 12 and up. Children and contestants are free.
Magnolia State
Supreme, Queen, King and Hospitality Winners will advance to Magnolia State Pageant.
For more information on Magnolia State visit www.missmagnoliastate.com
Parents must accompany children at all times
No refunds unless the event is canceled or postponed
Judges decisions are final.